TableTools 2.2.4

DataTables CDN files for TableTools 2.2.4. This software was originally released on 1st April, 2015.

Release notes

This is a minor update to TableTools to address some issues that have been brought to light since the last release.

Work is about to being on the replacement libraries to TableTools so this could be the last release for some time.


  • New: Add license file to the package for clarity of license (MIT)


  • Update: Name of readme file for consistency with other DataTables extensions
  • Update: Remove collection background image - use just CSS and opacity only now
  • Update example: Rename button for clarify in plug-in example


  • Fix: Remove CSS hover actions when button is disabled
  • Fix: Allow row selection by indexes
  • Fix: Add init option to the new example to show how options can be used. #66
  • Fix: When using a custom selector (sRowSelector) the event wasn't being removed on destroy
  • Fix: Remove anti-text selector event handlers on destroy
  • Fix: fnSelect button callback option didn't work for flash buttons.




