TableTools 2.1.5

DataTables CDN files for TableTools 2.1.5. This software was originally released on 4th March, 2013.

Release notes

Maintenance release of TableTools, addressing a XSS security issue in the Flash component for local file saving, and small changes for full compatibility with jQuery 1.9. A few small minor issues have also been addressed here.

  • Update: Pass the event to the fnClick function so we can detect other mouse buttons.
  • Fix: Use `off` rather than `die` - 14044
  • Fix: CSS styles for the button images were using the wrong tag
  • Fix: XSS issue in Flash - More information can be found here:
  • Fix: jQuery 1.9 removes $().live(), so need to update to using $().on()
  • Fix:CSS - jQuery ThemeRoller CSS for print info had incorrect positioning - 13422
  • Fix: Destroy method wasn't correctly unbinding the row selection events - 12520




