Select 1.2.2

DataTables CDN files for Select 1.2.2. This software was originally released on 17th April, 2017.

Release notes

A bug fix release of Select that addresses a number of issues, including a particularly visible one where by a checkbox was incorrectly shown in the thead.


  • New: Events triggered by Select (select and deselect) will now bubble up through the DOM.


  • Fix: Select was incorrectly blurred if select.blurable was enabled and you clicked in the pagination control.
  • Fix: Fast click on a checkbox could incorrectly select it, causing Select to ignore to click.
  • Fix: Blurrable didn't work correctly on pages that had multiple DataTables
  • Fix: Selected item information would not be correctly shown on all table information elements, if there were more than one per table.
  • Fix - CSS: Checkbox should not be shown in header and footer
  • Fix - example: Syntax errors in selected rows button example


