Select 1.2.1

DataTables CDN files for Select 1.2.1. This software was originally released on 6th December, 2016.

Release notes

A simple bug fix release of Select. Nothing exciting, but with an upgrade anyway!


  • Fix: Integration with FixedColumns was a little broken due to the selectors being applied to the parent table, while the FixedColumns tables are floating over it.
  • Fix: Table's with selectable class would always drop into os style selection overriding specified style if given.
  • Fix: Selected checkbox style should apply to th elements as well as td
  • Fix: Buttons that listen for the selected (etc) events would cause an error if removed as the event wasn't being unbound when dynamically removed.
  • Fix - docs: Add multi+shift information to documentation
  • Fix - docs: Typo in example
  • Fix - docs: type parameter for select is singular, not plural


