Select 1.1.0

DataTables CDN files for Select 1.1.0. This software was originally released on 8th November, 2015.

Release notes

This is a relatively minor update to Select, addressing known a couple of bugs in the code and documentation, however, it is a 1.1 update due to the change in packaging for AMD and CommonJS. DataTables core is referred to as in both for easy and consistent package referencing.

As a result Select is now available on NPM and Bower ( as well as its styling packages.


  • New: select.className option to provide the ability to set a custom class name for the selected items in the table. The default remains selected.
  • New: When using CommonJS allow jQuery and the window object to be passed in


  • Fix: Have Select initialise itself on the preInit event so it can be used in the initComplete callback
  • Fix: Rework of AMD and CommonJS loaders to present a consistent require interface and naming for DataTables and all of its extensions
  • Fix: Could not select items when clicking on a child element



