Scroller 1.3.0

DataTables CDN files for Scroller 1.3.0. This software was originally released on 12th August, 2015.

Release notes

Scroller 1.3.0 brings parity between this extension and all the other DataTables extensions in terms of how it can be initialised using a DataTables initialisation option (scroller), which is much easier than the old dom option (which can still be used, but is no longer documented to discourage its use).

Scroller also fully supports Bootstrap, Foundation and jQuery UI, matching DataTables core and all of the other extensions.

While the changes are primarily to present a common API with the other extensions, this release also sees Scroller adding support for integration with FixedColumns and a few small bug fixes.


  • New: Easier initialisation - simply specify the scroller option in the DataTables initialisation to activate Scroller on a table, rather than requiring the dom parameter to include an S. The old style is still supported, but will no longer be documented. This is achieved by listening for the preInit event from DataTables (1.10.8+).
  • New: The Scroller stylesheet will hide the pagination control, so the dom option need not be specified at all to use Scroller
  • New: Example showing FixedColumns interop with Scroller. Note that in order to make this example work the changes required have all been made in the FixedColumns code.
  • New: row().scrollTo() method to move the table's start point to a specific row
  • New: Scroller can be constructed using a DataTables API instance
  • New examples: Foundation, Bootstrap and jQuery UI styled examples


  • Update: DataTables 1.10+ is now required
  • Update - examples: Examples all now use the nowrap class. It generally isn't required for the demo data, but it is good practice


  • Fix: Compatibility with DataTables 1.10.8 - DataTables has changed how the scrolling container is shown (max-height) so the container would collapse completely due to the two position:absolute elements inside it. Fix is to relative position the height forcing element.
  • Fix: Error in checking instanceof on initialisation


