RowReorder 1.2.0

DataTables CDN files for RowReorder 1.2.0. This software was originally released on 6th December, 2016.

Release notes

This update to RowReorder is all about improving its integration with Editor, with new options to control how Editor will submit the data, and also the ability to enable and disable RowReordering via the API, which is used while the Editor form is submitted.


  • New: While Editor is submitting information to the server (rowReorder.editor), RowReorder's end user interaction will now be disabled to prevent overlapping submits.
  • New: rowReorder().enable() and rowReorder().disable() methods that can be used to enable and disable RowReorder's end user interaction on-the-fly. The rowReorder.enable option is also included for completeness.
  • New: rowReorder.formOptions object which can be used to control the parameters set to the server when submitting with Editor.


