RowReorder 1.1.0

DataTables CDN files for RowReorder 1.1.0. This software was originally released on 8th November, 2015.

Release notes

A number of bug fixes have been identified and fixes since the initial release of RowReorder and this release addresses those issues. Importantly, this release also matches all of the other releases for DataTables and its extensions today in naming consistency for CommonJS and AMD loaders.

RowReorder is now available on NPM and Bower in distribution form, i.e. minified files and compiled CSS in the package, under the name Styling packages for the DataTables base style, Bootstrap, Foundation and jQuery UI are also available.


  • New: When using CommonJS allow jQuery and the window object to be passed in
  • New: Adding a triggerRow parameter to the edit object in the row-reorder event. This gives information about the row that was used to trigger the reorder (i.e. the row clicked upon).


  • Fix: Only the column for the data that is changed is now invalidated when updating reordered rows rather than the whole row
  • Fix: Remove destroy event on table destroy
  • Fix: On destroy use the DataTables instance rather than jQuery instance to remove the events
  • Fix: Memory leak - touch event wasn't being removed on table destroy
  • Fix: IE8 would only allow row reordering to happen once.
  • Fix: Rework of AMD and CommonJS loaders to present a consistent require interface and naming for DataTables and all of its extensions
  • Fix: Set a high z-index for the floating drag element so it will be visible on the page
  • Fix: Extend the default prototype rather than overwriting with a plain object
  • Fix: Mouse up while scrolling the window would have the window continue to scroll forever


  • Update - example: Show the use of triggerRow in the events example
  • Fix - example: Link to Editor example in description of events example was incorrect


