Responsive 2.5.0

DataTables CDN files for Responsive 2.5.0. This software was originally released on 4th July, 2023.

Release notes

This release introduces dark mode support (DataTables and Bootstrap 5.3 styling), as well as updating the examples to show Vanilla JS initialisation. A couple of bug fixes are also included.


  • New: Dark mode support for DataTables and Bootstrap 5 (5.3+) styling.


  • Fix: Async display of child details such as with a modal was not resulting in a responsive-display event being triggered (859d910).
  • Fix: Correct type inheritance for styling packages (9f7f1ba).
  • Fix: responsive-display was incorrectly firing for all rows when changing page Fix: When resizing the window the modal would update to show the information for the last row on the page, regardless of what row details should have been shown (80db80b).


  • Update: Details view clickable target styling updated to be a simple arrow Update: parent class it automatically added by Responsive now, when viewing a row's details. This allows styling to be performed on the row for modal view as well New: Dark mode support for DataTables and Bootstrap (5.3+) styling (03255a7).
  • Updated: Examples updated to have Vanilla JS code and use Pretter More for formatting (ad55ece).
