KeyTable 2.6.0

DataTables CDN files for KeyTable 2.6.0. This software was originally released on 5th February, 2021.

Release notes

KeyTable 2.6.0 introduces one new method, one new event and also TypeScript typings. A number of issues have also been addressed.

  • New: keys.enabled() method
  • New: key-return-submit which is triggered after an inline editing submit managed by KeyTable
  • New: Add typing file to source repo

  • Fix: Calling keys.move() when the table has no KeyTable focus, an error would occur

  • Fix: Inline editing in Editor with editOnFocus would cause the input box to show after submitted with the return key
  • Fix: Support for new DateTime component with inline editing
  • Fix: keys.editOnFocus could cause every second row that was focused to be ignored for edit
  • Fix: Double click action needs to check that it is operating on the same cell as was previously focused
  • Fix: Focus was lost if a server-side processing table was redrawn


