KeyTable 2.5.0

DataTables CDN files for KeyTable 2.5.0. This software was originally released on "3rd October, 2018".

Release notes

"An exciting release for KeyTables as the UX has been reworked for the Editor integration to operate more like Excel. A single click and then typing will still focus on a cell and then start the editing, but the arrow keys will allow navigation between cells. A double click however immediately starts editing (without waiting for key press) and the arrow keys navigate the insert cursor in the input element. Different styling is used to indicate the different modes."

"## New\n\n* New: Rework Editor integration for UX - more like Excel. Start editing a focused cell as before by focusing and then typing, but you can also now double click to edit a cell which will deactivate the keyboard navigation in KeyTable allowing the arrow keys to be used to navigate the text instead. Pressing return to start an edit action also enters into this new editing mode. The focus class focus-alt is added to the cell being edited in this mode to allow visual distintion. (c52b732)\n\n## Fixes\n\n* Fix: Errors caused by focusing filtered out rows. (328a914)\n* Fix: Editor integration - when inline editing caused an error, focus wouldn't be restricted to the cell that is in error (49cb62b)\n"


