KeyTable 2.1.1

DataTables CDN files for KeyTable 2.1.1. This software was originally released on 11th February, 2016.

Release notes

A bug fix release for KeyTable - nothing too exciting but a recommended update if you are using KeyTable.


  • Fix: Focus was lost when reloading the table (ajax.reload())
  • Fix: Memory leak on destroy - event listener not being unbound
  • Fix: Listen for key events on the document element rather than the body. In IE the body looses "focus" as the HTML is updated when you change page.
  • Fix: Focus on the first visible column in the table when gaining focus via tab
  • Fix: Restoring focused state on an Ajax loaded table would result in a Javascript error
  • Fix: Integration with Editor - when a textarea field is used, the text was not being replaced when activating inline editing


