FixedHeader 3.1.2

DataTables CDN files for FixedHeader 3.1.2. This software was originally released on 20th May, 2016.

Release notes

This is a minor update to FixedHeader, but it does introduce a new ability to automatically offset the position of the fixed header to take account of another fixed element on the site (for example a navigation bar). This is done by adding the class fh-fixedHeader to the fixed element (and similar for the footer).

This release also introduces Semantic UI and Bootstrap 4 styling and examples as well as a bug fix that is useful for where input elements are present in the header / footer.


  • New: Automatic detection of elements with the classes fh-fixedHeader and fh-fixedFooter which FixedHeader will use to automatically offset the fixed header / footer. This makes initialisation of FixedHeader on pages which use a fixed element much easier.
  • New: Bootstrap 4 styling and example
  • New: Semantic UI styling and example


  • Fix: Retain focus on elements in the header and footer as their state is transitioned


