FixedHeader 3.1.0
DataTables CDN files for FixedHeader 3.1.0. This software was originally released on 8th November, 2015.
Release notes
This release of FixedHeader addresses a number of issues found since the release of the reworked 3.0.0 package and adding a couple of small features such as the ability to manually control if the fixed elements should be enabled or not.
Importantly this release ensures naming consistency between DataTables and all of its extensions for its CommonJS and AMD loaders.
FixedHeader is now available on NPM and Bower in distribution form, i.e. minified files and compiled CSS in the package, under the name Styling packages for the DataTables base style, Bootstrap, Foundation and jQuery UI are also available.
- New:
methods to get / set the offset of the fixed header and footer. - New: Ability to enable and disable the fixed elements using the API methods
- New: When using CommonJS allow jQuery and the window object to be passed in
- Fix: Rework of AMD and CommonJS loaders to present a consistent require interface and naming for DataTables and all of its extensions
- Fix: Don't displaying fixed header when printing
- Fix: FixedHeader compatibility with KeyTable
- Fix: When entering float state the second time with scroll left not 0, the columns would be misaligned
- Fix: When paging the table while the header was floating it could result in column misalignment
- Fix: Tables which have width:100% assigned to them but are actually shrunk to be smaller that the auto width table would cause column misalignment as the column widths are incorrect.
- Fix: Compatibility with
being disabled - Fix: FixedHeader would not initialise if used with a table that also uses Buttons
- Fix: Horizontal page scrolling would cause the floating header / footer to become misaligned
- Fix: Extend the default prototype rather than overwriting with a plain object
- Fix: Destroy event handler threw an error due to incorrect context
- Fix: Remove duplicate CSS
- Fix example: Link to
documentation was wrong
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