FixedColumns 4.0.1

DataTables CDN files for FixedColumns 4.0.1. This software was originally released on 25th October, 2021.

Release notes

Our first release since the major v4 update for FixedColumns addresses a number of issues that have come to light - primarily around the handling of hidden columns.

  • Fix: Use fix values to only fix visible columns rather than including them in the count
  • Fix: Fix issues where the wrong number of columns are fixed if first, or last columns were not visible
  • Fix: Allow columns time to settle before refixing after a visibility change
  • Fix: When getting the width of elements, need to take into account paging, otherwise multiple columns would not scroll correctly on the second page.
  • Fix: Fix issue with hidden columns affecting the right fixed columns
  • Fix: Detect vertical scrolling more accurately
  • Fix: Fixes for alignment issues when using bootstrap


