FixedColumns 3.2.3

DataTables CDN files for FixedColumns 3.2.3. This software was originally released on 12th September, 2017.

Release notes

A fairly standard bug release version. Nothing new, but worth upgrading!


  • Fix: IE9 - fixed column was too large initially
  • Fix: Remove id's from cloned cells
  • Fix: Fixed right columns should have the area above the scrollbar blocked out - this wasn't happening for Bootstrap, Foundation or jQuery UI
  • Fix: Bootstrap 4 integration was showing too much opacity
  • Fix: Hidden columns could cause the data-dt-column attribute used for the cell and column selectors on the cloned elements to be incorrect.
  • Fix: Remove any reference that FixedHeader can fix columns from the documentation and examples
  • Fix: Indexing error when working with hidden columns


