FixedColumns 2.0.1

DataTables CDN files for FixedColumns 2.0.1. This software was originally released on 26th June, 2011.

Release notes

This first maintenance release of FixedColumns 2 includes a number of important bug fixes and new features to round off the capabilities introduced with FixedColumns 2. Note that this new version requires DataTables 1.8+.

New features include a new API method fnRedrawLayout which will redraw the 3x3 grid that FixedColumns uses based on current sizing information. Also the FixedColumns instance is now attached to the DataTables settings object as the property "oFixedColumns" to allow easy access if initialised with sDom in DataTables. There are also a number of new examples.

Bug fixes include updates for jQuery UI themes and support for server-side processing in DataTables.

  • New: Two new examples - one to show server-side processing and the other to show jQuery UI theming
  • New: Requires DataTables or newer
  • New: New API method called "fnRedrawLayout" which will have FixedColumns recalculate the layout grid (using the internal function _fnGridLayout - this basically just makes it a public interface)
  • New: Attach the FixedColumns instance to the DataTables object instance as "oFixedColumns" so it can be quickly and easily accessed. Follows the pattern of Scroller and will be extended to other plug-ins...
  • New: Make use of the new complex header support in DataTables 1.8 when considering hidden columns, to allow complex headers with a fixed column
  • Fix: Server-side processing with FixedColumns didn't work due to an array index count offset in aoData. Need to take account of server-side processing in the same way that _fnDraw does in DataTables - i.e. reset the counter
  • Fix: jQuery UI themed tables weren't having the sorting classes updated on the header of the table when the user clicked to alter the sorting of the table - 5149
  • Fix: With using right aligned columns, the change implemented for the new complex headers was incorrect - need to continue counting rather than breaking
  • Fix: MSIE is the only browser which seems to need the extra work in the height equalisation

