DateTime 1.2.0

DataTables CDN files for DateTime 1.2.0. This software was originally released on 8th November, 2022.

Release notes

Similar to the other DataTables extensions, DateTime now supports ES Module loading. This release also addresses a number of issues and updates its type definition file.

  • New: Support for ES Module loading
  • Update: Typescript exports updated to match DataTables style
  • Fix: When no time component is in the format, the time should be initialised to 00:00:00.0000 for the date in question
  • Fix: Unable to switch between AM/PM when restricted hours applied
  • Fix: For an empty input with time enabled, 00:00 would show as selected in the picker
  • Fix: --now set value should be converted to UTC before being used otherwise it appears as UTC
  • Fix - example: DayJS example needed the customParseFormat plug-in loaded as well


