ColReorder 1.3.1

DataTables CDN files for ColReorder 1.3.1. This software was originally released on 11th February, 2016.

Release notes

A bug fix release of ColReorder which addresses compatibility issues with the DataTables API and cell selection after a reorder and integration with Responsive.


  • Fix: Update cell column indexes after a reorder. Otherwise selectors based on cells would not operate correctly
  • Fix: Support for Responsive's hidden columns
  • Fix: Rebuild data source for columns after a reorder. This fixes incorrect column information being set to the server if server-side processing is used with ColReorder.
  • Fix: ColReorder's floating element must be absolutely positioned. That was not happening when used with FixedHeader due to a CSS conflict.


  • Fix example: Incorrect column titles for ColReorder server-side processing example
  • New example: ColReorder with Responsive example


