ColReorder 1.0.6
DataTables CDN files for ColReorder 1.0.6. This software was originally released on 21st June, 2012.
Release notes
A maintenance release for ColReorder that addresses a number of bugs that were present in the previous release.
- Update: Pass the iFrom and iTo parameters in the 'column-reorder' event so the handler has all the information about the reshuffle
- Fix: Allow mousedown events to bubble - 9604
- Fix: Add column-reorder event which is fired to tell other plug-ins what is going on. This update, if used with ColVis requires ColVis or newer.
- Fix: Debug message for column reorder on init was wrong - 8948
- Fix examples: Col reorder demo now required 1.8+
- Fix examples: After DataTables 1.8, bSortCellsTop is required to use the top cell
- Fix examples: sDom in sample code was incorrect - 8402