ColReorder 1.0.2

DataTables CDN files for ColReorder 1.0.2. This software was originally released on 26th June, 2011.

Release notes

A maintenance release for ColReorder which brings this plug-in up to par with support for the new features in DataTables 1.8. This new release requires DataTables 1.8+ due to the handling of data, and as a few fixes in it.

  • Updated: Use mDataProp for ColReorder with server-side processing example as this is much more flexible than sNames. Note that DataTables 1.8.1 is required for this now (to get mDataProp_{i} on the server-side)
  • Updated: Now require DataTables 1.8+
  • Fix: Add links to the license files
  • Fix: Update for DataTables 1.8 when using objects for the data source - don't try to reorder them as we do with arrays!
  • Fix: ColReorder with ColVis was broken with DataTables 1.8 due to the new header layout method used in 1.8. The fix is to rearrange the layout as needed in the reorder method. Note that complex headers are still not supported in ColReorder.
  • Fix: Use the same copyright license as DataTables - changing from LGPL to GPLv2 and/or BSD 3 point style - 3481



