AutoFill 1.1.0

DataTables CDN files for AutoFill 1.1.0. This software was originally released on 10th September, 2010.

Release notes

A quick turn around for AutoFill 1.1, which adds a couple of cool new features. Firstly, AutoFill will now automatically scroll the window, or the DataTables (if being used with DataTables' scrolling option) as you drag a fill handler. Secondly, there are now four callback functions which can be used to control the interaction and actions of AutoFill. They can also be used to update a server database after a fill. Thirdly, aiColumns as an option has gone and been replaced with aoColumns and aoColumnDefs which work exactly the same way as DataTables. Enjoy!

  • New: aoColumns and aoColumnDefs support for the options.
  • New: Callback functions added for each column
  • New: A couple of new examples for scrolling and callbacks



