DataTables 2.1.5

DataTables CDN files for DataTables 2.1.5. This software was originally released on 30th August, 2024.

Release notes

A few fixes in this release, significantly including a fix for an issue when exporting data from a large table with Buttons.


  • DataTable.ext.classes.paging.nav option to add classes to the <nav> element for the pagination control.


  • API instances created with a large data set could cause an overflow error in Chrome. This was particularly evident in Buttons file exports.
  • Add classes for cells (columns.className) to cells before createdRow is called
  • Column widths given by columns.width will now increase a column's size if needed.
  • Bulma integration had two <nav> elements for the pagination control
  • Correct error when using scrolling and RowGroup - column sizing was incorrect


