DataTables 2.1.2

DataTables CDN files for DataTables 2.1.2. This software was originally released on 24th July, 2024.

Release notes

A couple of fixes for errors that were inadvertently introduced with 2.1.0. For the eagle-eyed you might have noticed that there was no 2.1.1 release - this is for legacy reasons. Many years ago I inadvertently tagged DataTables as 2.1.1, when I'd been meaning to tag Buttons. That version was immediately deprecated, and with this release we finally get past the point of that non-existent version.


  • State saving and column visibility could cause rendering issues on reinitialisation
  • When columns are hidden and ordering, they should still have the header classes applied to indicate ordering.


  • DataTables wasn't being listed in the files loaded in the examples on the site
  • Refine the class and id layout example for different frameworks



