DataTables 2.0.2

DataTables CDN files for DataTables 2.0.2. This software was originally released on 7th March, 2024.

Release notes

A second bug fix release of the 2.0.x series which addresses a number of issues found since the previous patch.


  • Text nodes in a footer were not being hidden when scrolling was enabled
  • DataTable.type() wouldn't accept an empty string as a valid value for a class name.
  • Paging buttons would reduce to just 1 button if padding was applied to dt-paging
  • When ajax.url is given as an empty string an error was thrown in certain circumstances
  • Additional column defined in JS was throwing an error if columnDefs was also used
  • table().footer.structure() would give undefined for a footer's title if the title span had been overwritten
  • Child row display was not correctly handling the data sparse array
  • i18n event didn't bubble, but Editor requires it to do so
  • Columns which were marked as not orderable would still trigger a draw


  • Correction for property name in features.pageLength reference
  • Add clarification to layout on moving a feature to a non-default location


