DataTables 1.7.5

DataTables CDN files for DataTables 1.7.5. This software was originally released on 15th December, 2010.

Release notes

It has been a little while in coming this release of DataTables, but it is, I hope you will agree, a nice little upgrade to the 1.7 series. The primary change in this release is a rewrite of the sorting algorithm used by DataTables to be much more efficient (particularly in IE). No longer are there two sorting methods (one for AIR and one for everything else), there is just one method which provides everything DataTables needs - multiple column, alternative column, plug-in support, stable sorting etc etc.

Other improvements include a number of bug fixes and tidy up points, as well as the introduction of a new initialisation parameter bScrollAutoCss - this allows you to control the scrolling styles via CSS rather than having DataTables do it automatically. Also of note is that the column visibility options will now take into account multiple rows in the header and footer.


  • New: Add bScrollAutoCss option (default true). This allows you to control the scrolling styles with CSS, where as normally DataTables will set (and override) the styles itself. This is useful for if you want to have a scroll bar showing at all times (normally auto).
  • New: Column visibility options in DataTables (bVisible and fnSetColumnVis) now take into account more than one row in THEAD and TFOOT. Please note that colspan and rowspan are NOT supported when using column visibility options in the header and footer, and will very likely have effects which are not at all desirable. As such there are conditions on this use (note that if you only have one row in the header / footer, then this has no impact), specifically the number of cells in the header / footer much be equal to the columns * rows (in each one). This way DataTables can accurately add and remove the cells as needed. The cells may be either TH or TD elements, but DataTables still requires at least one TH element for each column.
  • Performance: Re-written the sorting implementation so it doesn't use either eval() of $.inArray(). inArray was found to have a serious negative effect on IE which counts operations to give the 'script is running slow' error message - the new implemention uses a value / key reverse mapping to make the look up as fast as a single object parameter retreival. Furthermore, I've done some optimisation and feature completeness work on the non-eval version of the sorting (previously the AIR sorting method) and I've found this to be at least as good (faster in some cases) than the old eval() sort, so this is now the default and only sorting method DataTables provides - 2922
  • Updated: fnAdjustColumnSizing when called with 'false' as the first (and only) parameter will now apply the calculated column sizes to the table when scrolling is being used. This allows a non-Ajax update to occur if using server-side processing. Thanks to Cat Weismann for this patch.
  • Updated - now using jQuery 1.4.4 as the copy of jQuery included in the DataTables distribution. Passes all unit tests
  • Updated: Previously when multiple cells were detected as unique to a column the last one would be given priority (i.e. sorting event handler etc). This is now no longer the case and the first will take priority.
  • Updated: Reliability of unit tests for infinite scrolling with server-side processing in non-webkit browsers
  • Fixed: fnInitComplete was not the last thing to be executed when using DOM source. IT was possible that you could set sAjaxSource in fnInitComplete which would then trigger DataTables to do an Ajax call incorrectly.
  • Fixed: fnDrawCallback was actually the first of the draw callback functions that was called (the internal callbacks were called later). This was incorrect and we now loop over the array to get the order we want. At some point in future it might be required to have an ordering if these draw callbacks become interdependant.
  • Fixed: The behaviour for complex headers has been altered slightly for complex headers in that only the first of non-unique TH elements will be click to sort-able. Unit test update needed as this is different behaviour from before when all elements belonging to a column were click to sort.
  • Fixed: When using server-side processing and having called fnDestroy, don't make another XHR to the server as the data won't be used - 3375
  • Fixed: Correctly add the sClass to the TH elements in the header
  • Fixed: Remove bold styling when using JUI as it looks out of place in the table controls
  • Fixed: Remove the 'sNames' parameter that was introduced for server-side processing in 1.7.4. The parameter 'sColumns' actually performs exactly this task already. Doh. Also update the example PHP to take this into account - 3218



