DataTables 1.5.4

DataTables CDN files for DataTables 1.5.4. This software was originally released on 25th October, 2009.

Release notes

A much quicker turn around for this release of DataTables, which includes only one bug fix (but an important one as it could effect the look and feel of the table when using jQuery UI themes), and also a couple of exciting new features.

Of these new features, the biggest is a new API for sorting, which allows a table to be sorted based on live information in the DOM - an example is worth a thousand words. Also two flags have been added to the DataTables settings object which are used to indicate if either filtering or sorting have been applied in the latest redraw, allowing you to take appropriate actions: for example updating an index column.

  • New: New API for sorting data (specifically indented for DOM variable data such as form elements)
  • New: Filtering and sorting are now (individually) flagged has having occurred, when appropriate, such that fnDrawCallback can be used as a hook when sorting and/or filtering has occurred. The new parameters are in oSettings as bSorted and bFiltered.
  • New: Example - api/counter_column.html
  • New: Example - api/dom_sorting.html
  • Updated: Documentation updated for new sorting API and example data source sorting functions added to plug-ins page.
  • Fixed: jQuery classes were not applied to thead elements which had sorting disabled on them



