DataTables 1.5.0

DataTables CDN files for DataTables 1.5.0. This software was originally released on 12th August, 2009.

Release notes

It is with great pleasure that I release DataTables 1.5.0. It's been a long run up to this release, with a lot of interesting and informative discussions and support cases for DataTables - but here we now are. The primary new feature is support for server-side processing in DataTables, allow you to use DataTables to show records from massive databases. Plenty of work has gone into other areas as well, not least the unit testing framework, which is designed to ensure that DataTables is as reliable as possible.

Enjoy DataTables 1.5.0!

  • Summary of major changes since 1.4
  • New: Server-side processing for handing of the processing of large data sets to a database. Also allows for Gear and AIR database support.
  • New: New plug-in support for custom filtering
  • New: Unit test framework with 1'300+ tests
  • New: Full support for Adobe AIR
  • New: Many new examples show casing the power of DataTables
  • Fixed: Plenty of bugs!
  • Minor changes since 1.5 beta 11
  • Updated: Now ships with jQuery 1.3.2
  • Fixed: Parsing data from JS array which contained data other than strings was broken
  • Fixed: If bProcessing is set to true then it is now also used during initialisation for DOM and JS array sourced data (previously it was only effective during initialisation for server-side or ajax data).
  • Fixed: Unique TD detection could be incorrect due to a dodgy loop
  • Fixed: Alternative paging could get into funny states when used with length changing



