DataTables 1.10.5

DataTables CDN files for DataTables 1.10.5. This software was originally released on 10th February, 2015.

Release notes

This latest release of DataTables contains five small (but welcome) new features and 13 bug fixes in the core software. There are also a number of updates to the examples and documentation. This bug fix release of DataTables is a a recommended upgrade for everyone using 1.10.x.

The primary new feature of this release is the ability to use HTML5 data-* attributes to configure a DataTable. An example is available and the documentation updated.

Improved error handling and the ability to specify a custom error handler through the $.fn.dataTable.ext.errMode parameter is also included in this release. A error event is also now available.


DataTables core


  • New: DataTables initialisation options can now be specified using HTML data-* attributes on the HTML table tag and on the cells of the column headers in the table.
  • New: can return a string to be used as the request body. This is useful for submitting a JSON string to the server.
  • New: Improved error handling - $.fn.dataTable.ext.errMode can now be:
    • alert - Alert the error
    • throw - Throw an error
    • none - Do nothing
    • A function that is called
  • New: DT_RowAttr special parameter for row data to be able to set abstract parameters for the row. This compliments the existing DT_RowId, DT_RowClass and DT_RowData parameters.
  • New: error event that is triggered when an error occurs (regardless of the value of $.fn.dataTable.ext.errMode
  • New: where condition controls for the example PHP server-side processing class (SSP). This takes the form of a new complex method (to compliment the existing simple method) which accepts where parameters that can be used for either user based filtering, or server based filtering.


  • Fix: Exit out of the extend API method if possible, for performance
  • Fix: In IE9 where the table is in an iframe paging elements were not added until after the first draw
  • Fix: When detecting is the table has a width attribute we can also use style.width to check if a width as been assigned using the style attribute. This doesn't work for reading CSS assigned information, that would require parsing the stylesheet` but it does mean there is a way of doing this with using deprecated attributes.
  • Fix: jQuery UI stylesheet didn't have all the same options as the main DataTables stylesheet
  • Fix: Move eq jQuery selector outside of selector to help improve execution performance
  • Fix: Image file size optimisation.
  • Fix: When initialising a table and checking it it already exists, we should check against header and footer elements as well, so they can be used as the selectors
  • Fix: When detecting HTML5 attributes need to check for null from getAttribute, since otherwise empty strings would fail.
  • Fix: $.fn.dataTable.isDataTable() wasn't working correctly on scrolling tables when the header or footer table was passed in
  • Fix: CommonJS/Browserify support
  • Fix: Attach the scroll event for the header alignment using the DT namespace to ensure that it is removed on destroy
  • Fix: Allow overriding colours when importing SCSS file
  • Fix: $.fn.dataTable.util.throttle() was missing the first call.


  • Fix - example: Row details should use className rather than class
  • Fix - example: Row details description referred to an incorrect function name
  • Fix - example: Drop the http protocol from the i18n CDN file loader example so it works over https
  • Fix - example: Server-side processing examples didn't correctly show the Ajax data after the first draw
  • Fix - example: Index column API example had a typo
  • Fix - example: rowCallback example was highlighting all rows, rather than just a select few due to the logic condition being a bit loose!
  • Fix - example: Update Ajax language example to read file form the CDN


  • Fix - docs: Documentation for pagination language options updated to note that the text is written to the document as HTML
  • Fix - docs: Remove single array option for order
  • Fix - docs: Typo in row().remove() example
  • Fix - docs: Documentation typo in
  • Fix - docs: columns.type didn't mention the html type
  • Fix - docs: Invalid line to function that doesn't exist
  • Fix - docs: column().footer() had an error in the example
  • Fix - docs: dtapi rows().invalidate() example had a typo
  • Fix - docs: language.paginate.last had a typo in the example
  • Fix - docs: Typo in the DataTables.Settings type example
  • Fix - docs: Typo in columns.createdCell documentation
  • Fix - docs: Typo in columns.render
  • Fix - docs: Typo in column().search() and plural methods
  • Fix - docs: Fuller description of scrollX boolean type
  • Fix - docs: Add description of what happens when lengthChange is disabled
  • Fix - docs: Typo in info
  • Fix - docs: Various errors in return and parameter types for the API documentation noticed by Knox. Thanks!
  • Fix - docs: Add note to columns.type saying that it is more or less useless if using server-side processing
  • Fix - docs: columns.createdCell function types fixed
  • Fix - docs: Error in first parameter name and last parameter type for infoCallback
  • Fix - docs: searchDelay had the wrong type documented
  • Fix - docs: columns.contentPadding had wrong formatting
  • Fix - docs: stateSaveCallback had invalid jQuery option



