DataTables 1.10.16

DataTables CDN files for DataTables 1.10.16. This software was originally released on 31st August, 2017.

Release notes

This release of DataTables is primarily to bring the Bootstrap 4 support up to speed with Bootstrap 4 beta, although there are a number of other useful bug fixes and updates to the documentation.


  • Update: Bootstrap 4 beta used for examples
  • Update - docs: preDraw documentation as missing
  • Update - docs: Add nested data example for pluck()


  • Fix: When removing rows with server-side processing and paging enabled, the client-side could request a page that no longer exists.
  • Fix: Large numbers shown in the length select should be formatted using the built in number formatter.
  • Fix: Bootstrap 4 no longer just a tech preview with BS4 going beta
  • Fix: Revert some limited changes from 5608cc872abbc493fa2ec533510576ea8ad066d3
  • Fix: Footer scroll fix when using the bootstrap theme
  • Fix: Add class names to column header cells before extensions are initialised. This allows extensions such as Buttons' column visibility selector to operate on class names given in the column options.


  • Fix - styling: Jquery UI 1.12 integration. The spelling of caret was fixed
  • Fix - styling: merge duplicate selectors
  • Fix - styling: Bootstrap 4 integration with the table-sm class (renamed from condensed in Bootstrap 3)



  • Fix - examples: Server-side processing example in data sources directory wasn't showing the server-side processing script.
  • Fix - examples: Remove parameter that isn't required from the limit() method in the demo server-side processing script.



