Select 1.1.1

DataTables CDN files for Select 1.1.1. This software was originally released on 11th February, 2016.

Release notes

A relatively minor update for Select, but it introduces the welcome new feature of being able to sort by a checkbox column if Select's checkbox feature is used (thanks jpobley for this feature). A number of bugs have also been address with this release.


  • New: Add sorting for checkbox selected rows
  • New: select() method to allow activation of Select on tables which are initialised before they are inserted into the DOM.


  • Fix: If enabled in the defaults, Select could not then be disabled via the select option.
  • Fix: Rather than limiting the select action to elements in the table body, they are now limited to the table's immediate container element. This allows Select to operate correctly with FixedColumns and Responsive
  • Fix: When a user selected text in a table, rather than triggering the item selection / deselection, the only thing that is allowed to happen is the text select.
  • Fix: selectNone should be deactivated when no items are selected


  • Fix - example: Syntax error in select all example
  • Fix - example: Example was incorrect for select.className


  • Fix - docs: Typo in example title for select.
  • Fix - docs: Address 404 link errors in documentation
  • Fix - docs: select.className is available since 1.1.0


