SearchPanes 2.1.2

DataTables CDN files for SearchPanes 2.1.2. This software was originally released on 10th March, 2023.

Release notes

Primarily an update to the CommonJS loader to allow a down compile of import ''; without needing to worry about executing the returned function. This allows the CommonJS syntax to match ESM. A couple of fixes as well.

  • Updated: CommonJS loader updated to allow use of SearchPanes without needed to execute the returned function, if a window variable is available.
  • Fix: When processing is enabled in DataTables configuration options, SearchPanes will now show that processing display when a filter is activated
  • Fix: Collapse all and show all buttons were not behaving consistently
  • Fix: Clear all button wasn't working correctly in Bootstrap 5 and other styling integrations (sear ch text wasn't being cleared)
