SearchPanes 1.4.0

DataTables CDN files for SearchPanes 1.4.0. This software was originally released on 25th August, 2021.

Release notes

This release of SearchPanes adds a new UI element to the display as well as addressing a number of issues. The new UI element let's the end user collapse individual panes, allowing less screen space to be used.

  • New: Add new options to allow the collapsing of individual panes
  • Fix: Reduce number of calls to filterChanged
  • Fix: Fix issue with incorrect cursor in searchpanes rows
  • Fix: Fix issue with SearchPanes in a button SSP and state saving
  • Fix: Fix issue with SSP and individual clear buttons not being activated
  • Fix: Fix issue with SP in a button not saving state
  • Fix: Fix potential issue with searchTerm being null
  • Fix: Reduce the number of state saves that are performed by SearchPanes
  • Fix: Fix issue with clearAll button not working properly with cascadePanes
  • Fix: Fix issue with cascadePanes and viewTotal blocking the paging on the main table
  • Fix: Fix issue with SearchPanes in a button resetting paging when button pressed
  • Fix: Fix issue with cascade scroll position not being maintained on a deselect.
  • Fix: Stop SearchPanes search from searching for the count and total values
  • Fix: Fix issue with cascadePanes scrolling to the top on deselects
  • Fix: Fixed issue with cascadePanes scrolling to the top of the pane on selection
  • Fix: Fix issue with custom message in SearchPanes button


