SearchPanes 1.2.0

DataTables CDN files for SearchPanes 1.2.0. This software was originally released on 18th September, 2020.

Release notes

This release of SearchPanes brings auto ellipsis and also adds the option of providing the options to display in the panes via DataTables Ajax response, rather than generating the data automatically.

Aside from that, this release largely focuses on bug and performance fixes.


  • New: Auto ellipsis using CSS
  • New: Add docs for language.searchPanes.loadingMessage - the message that is displayed when the panes are loading
  • New: Added support for options to come from ajax data and then following operations to be carried out on the client side
  • New: Added functionality to set a class for custom options
  • New: Now language options propagate down from main table to SP
  • New: Added searchPanes.panes.preSelect to allow custom panes to have preselected options


  • Fix: Docs for config options searchPanes.filterChanged()
  • Fix: Optimization to reduce the number of table draws
  • Fix: Now prioritizing the shown rows for Pane ordering by number
  • Fix: Error that arose when data length was removed, custom messages in the pills cause overflow, now using flex to fix this
  • Fix: SSP panes now maintain their search after a selection has occurred in another pane
  • Fix: When ordering using viewTotal, the number of shown records is now a sub sort
  • Fix issue with camel case for styling node modules
  • Fix: Change the context for the filterChanged function to be the parent DataTable for access to the API
  • fix: Vertical panes example now looking better
  • fix: Fixed issue with cascade and preDefined
  • Fix: Fixed issue with custom options causing an error
  • Fix: Fixed issue for classNames and rows in completely custom panes
  • Fix: Multiple selections in the pane and cascade
  • Fix: Styling fixes for bs4
  • Fix: Speed improvement for large datasets following recent changes
  • Fix: Fixing capitalization typo for requiring package, raised in PR #15
  • Fix: Fixed issue so that now the empty cell message can be customized for each column individually.
  • Fix: Add missing configuration option to docs for clearMessage
  • Fix: Fixed issue with cascade infinite request on server-side
  • Fix: Fixed issue with render not being called on SP options


