FixedColumns 3.0.4

DataTables CDN files for FixedColumns 3.0.4. This software was originally released on 1st April, 2015.

Release notes

This latest release of FixedColumns is primarily to introduce the new feature of integration with Scroller for DataTables. Large scrolling tables can now have columns fixed just like any other scrolling DataTable.

A single fix is also included which could cause issues when more than one column was fixed in place.


  • New: Integration with Scroller. FixedColumns and Scroller can now be used on the same table.
  • New: Add license file to the package for clarity of license (MIT)


  • Update: Name of readme file for consistency with other DataTables extensions


  • Fix: When multiple columns were fixed, it could cause an offset in the data rendered due to the use of visible elements only. The fix is to use DataTables' cache of cells for the row.


