DataTables 2.0.3

DataTables CDN files for DataTables 2.0.3. This software was originally released on 22nd March, 2024.

Release notes

The dust was properly settled from the initial v2 release now and this release contains a few small fixes, particularly addressing a couple of Typescript issues.


  • Processing indicator was being cancelled before a draw after a click to sort action
  • When working with a table that has more than 10 columns it was possible for a column to show an ordering indicator when it was not being ordered on.
  • Only run layout if dom is not specified
  • Performance improvement for rows() when ordering by the applied order (which it does by default).
  • Improve performance of the draw operation when inserting the rows to display into the document.


  • TS error when used with and node modules where being type checked.
  • Interface for DataTables.ext.classes hadn't been updated for DataTables 2


  • Add link to example for replacement for orderCellsTop


