DataTables 2.0.1

DataTables CDN files for DataTables 2.0.1. This software was originally released on 27th February, 2024.

Release notes

This release addresses a number of issues that have come to light since the initial 2.0 release. Nothing dramatic here, just little tweaks that add up to make a more stable package!


  • Ordering icons in the header were not correct if activated by a colspan header
  • When ordering from a colspan, it wouldn't revert to the unordered state on the third click
  • Additional columns specified in the init options weren't being drawn
  • Diacritic (accents) search now operates on the original data and the search input, with the cached data having been normalised
  • On destroy the added colgroup wasn't being removed
  • Performance for sorting was noticeably slow for larger data sets
  • table-sm for Bootstrap 4 and 5 could result in header text overlapping the ordering icons
  • Empty record set when server-side processing would still show "Loading" message
  • columnDefs weren't being applied if using with _all target and an HTML table with no columns predefined (e.g. defining the columns in the column options).
  • layout position property when used as an array was throwing an error


  • Fix error in footerCallback description for the parameter passed in.


  • Update demo page CSS to use system ui font if configured


