DataTables 1.13.7

DataTables CDN files for DataTables 1.13.7. This software was originally released on 3rd November, 2023.

Release notes

The last few months have seen focused development on DataTables 2 and starting the process of getting it ready for release, however, 1.x is still very much supported and this release addressed a number of issues found in 1.13.6.


  • Fix: Processing indicator needs a z-index when scrolling enabled
  • Fix: IE8 was throwing an error due to .return
  • Fix: Event listeners didn't include the selector second parameter option
  • Fix: Use "Black Right-Pointing Triangle" rather than "Black Right-Pointing Pointer" for child row display control
  • Fix: Performance issue when column sizing was specified and scrolling enabled
  • Fix: Sorting Icon Position of Bootstrap 5 table-sm tables (#243)
  • Fix: The odd/even row striping selectors for Bootstrap 5 row selection didn't match what Bootstrap itself uses. This meant an override was conflicting and text in even rows could be unreadable if another row was inserted into the table (e.g. RowGroup).


  • Fix - types: Return type for row.add() / rows.add() was incorrect
  • Fix - types: this is now an HTMLElement in event handlers


  • Fix - docs: Update count() example which could be correct in some circumstances and wrong in others!
  • Fix - docs: Incorrect example description in scrollCollapse documentation.
  • Fix - docs: Update links to all be https



