DataTables 1.10.4

DataTables CDN files for DataTables 1.10.4. This software was originally released on 7th November, 2014.

Release notes

This is a minor release of DataTables that addresses a number of issues that have been found in the previous release. The biggest updates are for how DOM selectors are handled when deferRender is enabled, and also the cell invalidation methods now invalidate only the cells requested (rather than the whole row as was done before).



  • Update: iterator() has a fourth parameter to indicate that a return value is expected


  • Fix: cell().invalidate() and cells().invalidate() now invalidate only the cell(s) in question and not the whole row.
  • Fix: Selector errors when using jQuery selectors with deferRender enabled
  • Fix: Incorrect returns from sub-methods if a selector does not contain any results (DataTables/DataTables #431)
  • Fix: Page length change will now attempt to keep the start point on the current page, but will shift that row's position away from the start point, so that the paging is always consistent in its display. Without this changing the page length could result in landing on page "1.4" (or some other partial page) that you could never get to with just paging alone. That is no longer possible in DataTables.
  • Fix: caption was being inserted into the wrong elements when scrolling is enabled
  • Fix: jQuery references should be made to the aliased $.
  • Fix: If the language file fails to load, continue on as best we can. See thread 24046
  • Fix: When filtering HTML tags should be striped and were for a simple html type, but the html numeric types were not also receiving this treatment and thus the tags were included in the filter. This resolves that issue by adding search formatters along with sort formatters when the decimal place is known
  • Fix: Columns with mixed string and HTML types were not being detected as HTML type due to an early break



  • Update example: Use an initial value for the reduce() call to simplify the logic
  • Update example: Use the new $.fn.dataTable.util.escapeRegex() method to escape regex characters in the search input filter example
  • Fix example: Improve code for multi-column select example
  • Fix example: row().child() example syntax error



